Promotion of Renewable Energy Use in Uganda
The Promotion of Renewable Energy Use in Uganda (ProREU) is a project implemented by ACSET Uganda in partnership with Urbis-Foundation – Germany in the Lango sub region, with the funding from GIZ – GmbH. ProREU contributes to the overall Green People’s Energy aim, which is to improve the conditions for supplying regions in rural Africa with decentralized renewable energy, assisted by the involvement of citizens, local government, civil society organizations and the private sector.
Mapping is a key component of the ProREU Project. Specific activities carried under this component include; training of solar extension agents on mapping and fundamentals of GIS, collection of data of functional and non-functional solar pv systems installed in buildings in Lango region-Uganda, mapping of solar extension agents, solar companies and solar service centres. The data information presented on maps is collected under this project.
A map showing locations of government buildings without solar PV systems in the Lango sub-region, Uganda
DownloadA map showing functional solar PV systems installed in government buildings, buildings of private institutions, business entities and households in the Lango Sub-region, Uganda
DownloadA map showing functionality of solar PV systems installed in government buildings, buildings of private institutions, business entities and households in the Lango Sub-region, Uganda
DownloadA map showing non-functional solar PV systems in government buildings, buildings of private institutions, business entities and households in the Lango Sub-region, Uganda